Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Jump start the ultimate healthy lifestyle with these 21 daily habits

Jump start the ultimate healthy lifestyle with these 21 daily habits

So much of healthy living is made up of the small things we do daily. 

They may feel insignificant in the moment, but small efforts consistently applied have the power to compound and lead to major changes in your life. And this in turn, makes you fall in love with taking care of yourself.

In today’s post, I’m sharing 21 easy ideas to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro looking to breathe new life into a stale routine, or you’re brand new to healthy living - there’s something on this list for everyone.

Water first thing in the morning, before anything else.

Not just because it’s good for you (read more about that here), but also to remind you at the very top of your day to prioritize your water intake.

Plan your day

If there’s an aspect (or many) of your health you want to improve, you’ve got to plan to do things every day to help you move the needle. If your goal is to invite more calm into your life, prioritize habits like walking in nature, meditation, journaling, etc. and make them a part of your every day by scheduling them. Here you’ll find an exact guide for creating a personal wellness schedule for yourself.

Make time for things you enjoy

This is so often pushed to the side, but it is essential to healthy living. Reserve time each day, even if only for a short moment (there will be some days when that’s all you have time for) to focus on activities that bring you a sense of calm and happiness. Cooking, exercise, reading, a walk in nature - it can be anything, so long as it makes you happy.

Get moving

Consistent exercise of all kinds is essential for short and long-term physical and mental health. What kind of exercise you choose is up to you, but be sure that you’re choosing something that’s effective and moving you closer to your goals and gives you joy and energy while you’re doing it, too, so that you won’t have any trouble finding the motivation to do it.

Eat real food

Nothing contains more vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients than real, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, etc. A diet rich in  plant-based whole foods is the foundation for good health, so aim to eat them at every meal. Eating balanced meals comprised of mostly whole foods, makes us look and feel our best, both physically and mentally. Read more about how profound an impact this can have on your health here. 

Veggies should make up half of your plate

A great tip for healthy eating and portion control is to ensure vegetables make up 50% of your plate at every meal. Not only will this ensure you’re getting a healthy dose of essential vitamins and minerals, but vegetables are incredibly fiber-rich and helpful for regular elimination and feeling satiated after meals.

Go outside

Being in nature profoundly impacts our brains and behavior. Whether it’s a long hike or a quick stroll around the block - getting outside on a regular basis is crucial for good mental health.

Tap into your creativity

Creative endeavors of all kinds are good for the soul. Whatever your thing is - playing guitar, writing, golf, cooking - even just 10 minutes can lead to feelings of joy and happiness and even improve focus and productivity. 

Fill your home with plants and flowers

Keeping plants and fresh flowers in the home has been shown to have a positive effect on your mental health, leading to a higher sense of enjoyment and satisfaction, and reduce depression and anxiety. Simply put: botanicals are a major mood booster.

Enjoy more greens

Whether it’s a juice, smoothie, salad or something else - leafy greens are filled with unique vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and more, which is why health experts agree they should be a part of everyone’s daily diet. You can read more about all the insane health benefits of leafy greens, here.

Work hard

Nothing feels better than the self-satisfaction of knowing you did your very best. Remember this and apply it to as many areas of your life as you can.

Free your mind

Free-writing, brain-dump, journaling - call it what you want. The idea is the same: put pen to paper and write down every thought that comes to mind. The release you experience is incredible, but it also allows you to clear up some much needed mental space so you can focus better.

Create an ideal morning routine

Start your day with fulfilling activities that set the tone for how you want to feel throughout the day. Here you’ll find powerful tips for creating a high impact morning routine that will have you thriving.

Prioritize sleep

Few things mess with your physical and mental health more than a lack of sleep. An average of 6-9 hours of adequate rest each night is roughly what most of us need. If you can do this, you’ll benefit from more energy, greater focus and mental clarity, and it can even help you make better food choices, too.

Spend time with yourself

Alone time every day is the only way to continuously check-in with yourself, how you’re feeling, what you want, etc. so that you can live your life with awareness and intention. Whether it’s a hike, short walk, meditation, journaling or something else - it’s up to you. Just make sure to schedule it in. 

Have a positive attitude

Mindset is everything. And so much of the time the difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. In this post, I share three powerful tools to help anyone overcome negativity to enjoy a more positive life.

Work through something that scares you

We all have fears and doubts that hold us back and keep us from realizing our best selves. Whatever your fears are, make a game plan that involves daily exercises that will help you overcome them.  

Keep your stress in check

Chronic stress is as detrimental to your health as a poor diet and lack of sleep. Be aware of what triggers you and do your best to avoid those situations. If you can’t avoid them, have exercises in your arsenal to help you work through those stressors so you can invite more calm into your life.

Try intermittent fasting

It’s not a diet, but rather a schedule that eliminates snacking between dinner and breakfast. Doing so has a ton of notable health benefits - it improves inflammation and longevity, boosts metabolism and digestion, and even aids in weight loss. Leaving 12-16 hours between these meals most days of the week always makes me feel lighter and more energized. 

Be grateful for what you’ve got

Finding more gratitude in your daily life is essential for good mental health. No matter what’s going on, as bad as it may feel, everyone has something that they can still be grateful for. And by focusing on the things we are grateful for, we can reduce stress and anxiety significantly and invite more calm and positivity into our lives.

Act like the person you hope to be 1, 5 or 10 years down the road

Wherever you are right now in relation to your goal, as far off as it may feel, to self-motivate and get started try to carry yourself like you are on the brink of achieving your goal. Framing things like this can make it easier to adopt the mindset and cultivate the habits you need to be the person you aspire to be and reach the goals you're inspired to achieve.

There you have it - 21 easy things you can start doing NOW and repeat each day to jump start a healthier lifestyle and fall in love with taking better care of yourself.

Remember, you don’t have to do everything here or do them all at once. Instead, start with a handful of habits that appeal to you the most because you are more likely to stick with things if you enjoy them.

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