Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

High impact remedies and tips to improve digestion naturally

High impact remedies and tips to improve digestion naturally


Gas, bloating, cramping, heartburn, indigestion, constipation - digestive issues like these are common and unpleasant experiences to deal with. 

But in many cases, digestive issues can be sorted out and improved naturally, without relying on medication, by making adjustments to our diet, routines and lifestyle. 

Our digestive system includes organs that help the body breakdown the food we eat into nutrients the body requires for energy and optimal functioning. But when we neglect our health, by consuming unhealthy foods, not getting enough exercise, over eating, not paying attention to our hormonal health, etc. our body has trouble absorbing the nutrients it needs, our health is being interfered with and our digestive tract doesn’t function the way it should.

Today, I’m sharing simple high impact, natural remedies and tips that you can practice daily to help move food smoothly through your digestive tract, so you can avoid interruptions to your health and well-being.  

Stay Hydrated

When you stay adequately hydrated during the day, it is much easier for food to pass through your digestive system. While a lack of proper hydration can lead you to become constipated, quite the opposite happens when you’re sufficiently hydrated: the body produces soft, easy to pass stools. Warm or tepid water is even better than cold water for this purpose, as the latter takes longer to digest. If you need help getting in the habit, start drinking first thing in the morning, be sure to carry a reusable bottle with you throughout the day, and try adding citrus fruit or herbs for a subtle flavor.

Eat Fiber-Filled Foods

Fiber is an important factor in a proper functioning digestive system.  Soluble fiber in legumes, nuts and seeds helps create bulkier stools, while insoluble fiber found in vegetables and whole grains is what helps keep everything moving smoothly through your digestive track. On the flip side, foods that have little or no fiber sit longer in your intestines. The extra time lets your colon soak up more water, which is a recipe for hard dry stools. Focusing on eating enough fiber-filled whole foods - in both soluble and insoluble forms - goes a long way in helping prevent constipation and keeping you regular. 

Maintain A Regular Eating Schedule

Believe it or not, an erratic eating schedule can lead to digestive issues. Our digestive system, appetite and metabolism operates on a 24-hour time period and inconsistency in the way we eat can disturb our internal clock and disrupt digestion. To avoid this, aim to eat meals and snacks at the same time each and every day. If this is something you struggle with, set a recurring alarm on your phone to help remind you that it’s time to eat and that it’s important to do it at the same time each day.

Keep Stress At A Low

Coping with stress is essential for proper digestion. When stress activates your flight or fight mode, digestion slows down as your body struggles to conserve energy to face potential threats. Stress is linked to a ton of other health issues, including stomach ulcers, diarrhea, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The good thing is there are so many simple exercises available to us to relieve stress and subsequently improve digestion: yoga, journaling, being in nature, meditation, etc. Do what works for you, but always make sure there are mindfulness techniques incorporated into your daily routine. 

Get Moving

Physical activity, of any kind, helps food to move through the body faster and more easily by increasing blood flow to the muscles of the digestive system, which helps food move along the digestive tract.  It also prevents constipation and can alleviate symptoms associated with digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome. Whether it’s a brisk walk, light stretching, high or low impact, in the morning or afternoon - doesn’t matter. One of the most effective ways to improve digestive naturally is to just get moving. 

Be Mindful About What, When and How You Eat

As one might expect, diet has a profound effect on elimination. If you suffer from frequent constipation, changing your diet to eat more seasonal, nutritious whole foods will help. As mentioned earlier, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, etc. are all high in fiber and can help keep you regular and avoid frequent bouts of constipation. But when and how much we eat also affects elimination. Leaving at least 3-4 hours between meals and snacks and exercising portion control are two practices that will strengthen digestion and elimination. 

Sleep On An Empty Stomach

Sleeping an empty stomach is one of the best ways to care for your body’s digestive system. Early dinners and an absence of late night snacking allows your digestive system to rest and not overwork itself during hours that it is supposed to be at rest. And a well-rested digestive system is a well-functioning one.

The digestive system is incredibly complex. While you may find a quick fix in some of these remedies, it’s important to remember that, like anything else, the more you understand your digestive system, the better you can care for it and yourself.

Many of us tend to worry about digestive issues once it’s too late (i.e. there’s already a problem). Instead, it would be wise to simply think about the habits you can practice daily that will, for the most part, help you improve digestion and avoid constipation altogether. 

While digestive issues can be a horrible pain to deal with, in a a lot of cases, they can be taken care of quite easily with lifestyle techniques like these.  

For more information on my health coaching program, click here to schedule a free 30 minute consultation. 

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